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发布于2023-01-18 23:07 点击:399 评论:0 作者:湯安

(抱歉,英文内容无法改回中文,这个bug似乎是修改过程中谷歌系统出错导致的。重点的内容提上来,芯片业硬指标显示:在,目前ISSCC论文上,中国尖端半导体科技论文数量已经超过美国和韩国日本,预示欧美日韩芯片业对华卡脖子战术已经失败。 )

Previously, it was generally analyzed that Biden’s publicly proposed financial and technological containment to prevent China’s science, technology and economic development will subdue a large number of Chinese industries, leading to long-term suppression of China’s economic, technological and social development.

I didn’t take this very seriously in the article "Troubleshooting Experts". The reason is not because all walks of life in China are as self-improving as Huawei. Interest classes are as numerous as hawks and dogs. Otherwise, China's unique behavior of hindering public intellectuals from dividing up national interests will not happen. Public intellectuals regard it as "killing people and killing parents".

The basis for this view is from the perspective of philosophy and political economy. Biden’s intensification of Trump’s sanctions and containment of China’s development policy can only be a paradoxical war between Don Quixote and windmills.

Of course, there are many people who are sanctioned by the United States either to die or to admit defeat. This is from the specific situation of China and the United States.


唐  白居易





YanChushi Tomb

Tang Bai Juyi

There is no barren hazel on the path to the grave, and the room is full of poems and books to accumulate dark dust.

Changye is willing to teach Huang Yangxiao, but the sad wind does not allow Bai Yangchun.

Tan Piao Yan Zi was still in a hurry, but Bu was even poorer after Qian Lou died.

I haven't met God's will leisurely, but I regret to give my wealth and life to anyone.

Let me talk about the objective laws first. Finance and technology have their own objective development laws. Needless to say, there are still many insightful people with strong bones in China. Setbacks can survive thousands of years. On the level of disaster, Don Quixote is obviously incomparable.

However, the United States does not seek development and only engages in sanctions and containment, which is the primary factor for the failure of sanctions. If the United States does not advance, it will retreat, and it will be unsustainable. Biden's visceral meat grinder seven-injury punch method that harms others and himself is to frighten his opponents by harming himself. How can you stick to the windmill's style of play until the end? Judging from the fact that Russia, Saudi Arabia and BRICS countries have asked their currencies to participate in RMB trade to avoid the US dollar, the United States has lived to the point where it needs to prove that it is harmless. friends of the United States” choice. These are certainly not the results that the United States wants.


孙子兵法曰:昔之善战者,先为不可胜,9以待敌之可胜。 不可胜在己,可胜在敌。 故善战者,能为不可胜,不能使敌之必可胜。 故曰:胜可知,而不可为。 (兵法说:以前善于作战者,总是先创造自己不被战胜的条件,然后等待可以战胜敌人的机会。 使自己不被战胜,其主动权掌握在自己手中; 敌人能否被战胜,在于敌人是否给我们以可乘之机)。美国只知道找借口打仗,不知道制造天时地利人和的胜利条件,欺负小国还行,碰上太极八卦连环掌,兵法它祖宗的中国,美国无以名状,不是王八拳就是七伤拳。比尔盖茨所预言的“越是搞芯片制裁中国中国芯片产业发展越迅猛”一步一步成为现实。





至于目前欧美前景,上文题专家翻车一诗时大致预测了一下:“缪政岐途杨柳梦,G 7 鼎沸罢工鸣”。那时预言得准确与否,查查当前欧美媒体此起彼伏的罢工报道就知道了。








Sunak’s extreme squeeze strategy regardless of the occasion and opponent is not even as clever as the US’s milk teaser strategy. The US can at least allow the drug shooting case, abortion rights, feminism, and gender diversity to occupy the media to dilute the strike issue. The UK’s The buzzwords on the front page were Sunak and strike. After that, it is difficult not to guess the timing of Sunak's early resignation when he asked Sunak.

The price of eggs in the United States has dropped from a low of 59 cents a dozen two years ago to five dollars a dozen today. Maybe the strike landscape is just over the mountain.

Alas, things keep going on in the village. What burns Biden's mind the most is how the United States will contain and decouple China, a cause that the two parties have worked hard together, to the point where the United States has nowhere to go without asking China to cooperate.


Southern Song Dynasty Yang Wanli

Wanshan does not allow a stream to run, blocking the sound of the stream day and night.

At the foot of Qiantou Mountain, the majestic stream flows out of Qiancun.

The result of using the limit to contain China is still the result. Isn't the rest just cooperation and friendship?

Many media believe that it is not true, that literary fighting can not be fought by force. NATO, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and India restrict the entry of Chinese tourists. They really don’t care about Chinese tourists contracting the virus. Actively choosing sides to prepare for a war against China is the only explanation. The headline of the CCTV news on January 19 was: "Xi Jinping inspects and sends New Year greetings to all the commanders and fighters of the People's Liberation Army, the armed police, the officers, the soldiers, the civilians, the militia and the reservists." People's Daily commentator Niu Tanqin who likes to play the piano just posted an article saying, "We have experienced the epidemic for three years, and we will prepare for the war for three years." This time, it may be really good.


Another two years of silence and prosperity, the overlord is happy and the spring is cold

Unaware of the snowy Yongxi night, the Yiling is peaceful and the wind is auspicious and misty

Romantic straight beard thunderbolt Fu, amorous feelings cultivate small waves

The sound of cicadas does not allow the southeast to be quiet, and the beautiful scenery of the west gate is turned over

注:The beautiful scenery refers to the beautiful scenery where Pelosi's exports to China were blocked and domestic sales were turned crazy.





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