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(谷歌机器翻译, 原文 https://qr.ae/pGFwJb)

By Ismail Bashmori

好吧,听着。 作为埃及观察员,我将给大家总结一下我对中国的整体印象。

在过去的一年里,我一直在深入研究这个国家——它的政府、社会、历史和转型——在过去的 3 个月里,我在这个网站上与数百名中国人和憎恨中国的人交谈,听到了他们不得不说的一切 说。 到目前为止,我对中国的了解与任何人在不了解语言或不居住在该国的情况下所能了解的一样多,我得出了我的结论。 你可能认为我疯了。 我没问题。 我已经看到了事实,我对真相的看法变得坚如磐石。 而中国吸引了很多仇恨者、无知者和扶手椅专家。

事实上,中国是地球上最伟大的国家。 这让所有其他国家都显得微不足道和可鄙。 迄今为止,它是我们这个时代世界上最辉煌、最勤奋、最雄心勃勃、受教育程度最高、精英和技术官僚、最现代、最先进、最文明、治理最好的国家。 这是自 1600 年代以来第一个达到这一地位的非白人、非西方国家。 这个国家的决心是难以形容的。 超自然。 没有任何力量可以阻止它完成它想做的任何事情。 它可以设定一个看起来完全古怪的、由药物引起的、幻觉的目标——而且它可以实现它。 这正是它一直在做的。 四十年前,抽水马桶在中国是一种奢侈品。 如今,它拥有自己在本土建造的中国空间站。 当我告诉你这只是中国能力的一个小例子时,请相信我。

我是一个爱国的埃及人和中东人。 但我坦率地承认,与中国人相比,我们简直就是猴子。 一群愚蠢的动物。 我们是谁并不重要。 埃及人、叙利亚人、巴基斯坦人、印度人、非洲人,甚至美国人。 在中国人旁边,我们很可怜。 我们不能做他们做的事。 我们会有一座山,一座珠穆朗玛峰要做出改变,我们会抱怨、争吵,并在每一个改变上都失败。 自 1980 年代以来,中国的故事几乎是神圣的蜕变之一。 除了中国,从阿拉斯加到新西兰的整个西方世界都停滞不前。 除了中国之外,从巴西到马达加斯加的整个发展中国家都在缓慢发展。 我的朋友们,中国是所有庞大的子弹头列车之母。 每天它都设法创造出新的和惊人的东西。 与美国不同,与大英帝国不同,与法国、荷兰、德国、西班牙、葡萄牙或任何其他在过去四个世纪中轮到成为超级大国的西方国家不同,中国不需要碾压任何人 或者从别人那里拿东西,威严地上升。

中国也在独自对抗西方世界。 西方憎恨并担心中国正在崛起。 他们无法相信他们拥有四百年历史的全球霸权正在受到挑战。 他们希望中国越发展,就越能屈从于他们的影响、利益和领导。 那没有发生。 所以现在他们会做任何可能的事情,除了核战争,让中国结束。 他们的目标是摧毁这个国家。 这就是为什么,尽管自我 1988 年出生以来,美国已经杀死了数百万人,将地球上的几个地区变成了地狱,但你们的电视、报纸、谷歌新闻源和社交媒体都在诅咒、谴责和迎合恐慌和仇恨 中国 24 / 7。中国是我们星球上的西方大师最害怕的地方。 他们要你鄙视和恐惧一个国家,它对你什么也没做,没有侵略任何人,没有轰炸或制裁任何人,没有推翻任何外国政府,也没有自 1979 年以来在任何事情上动用军队。你会讨厌中国 并为它的崩溃祈祷,以便西方可以继续做它自埃尔南科尔特斯和弗朗西斯科皮萨罗时代以来所做的事情——从拉丁美洲到东南亚强奸和掠夺地球,并用软实力掩饰其血腥的帝国主义 和宣传“西方文明”和世界领导地位。

中国是非白人发展中国家中唯一一个对抗西方的大国。 在受到挑战或威胁时直视它的眼睛,然后说,不,我不怕你。 尽力而为。 我和你一样大。 全球南方的所有其他国家都只是很久以前提交的西方傀儡。 即使是最强大的。 沙特阿拉伯、巴西、印度——他们的领导人正忙着听取美国的意见,手拿笔和纸,写下它的所有要求,然后走了,是的,先生,洋基先生。 让我马上为你处理。

公元前 1500 至 1000 年代是埃及的时代。 古代属于希腊人和罗马人。 1700 年代属于法国,1800 年代属于英国。 从1945年到现在,世界一直处于美国的霸权之下。 他们称它为 Pax Americana,但相信我,其中没有多少 Pax。 如果您在欧洲或澳大利亚,则有很多 Pax。 但是中东呢? 过去 20 年间,阿富汗、伊拉克、利比亚、叙利亚、伊朗和也门。 拉美? 他们已经摧毁了世界上任何恢复希望。 非洲? 它只是因为不感兴趣而幸免于难。 美国视非洲为虚无。 整个西方都这样。

但在二十一世纪,我们正在见证中国的崛起。 我们距离中国成为地球上最强大的国家还有几十年的时间。 这将是中国的时代,任何人都无能为力。 随心所欲地攻击中国,诅咒她,散布谣言和歇斯底里——但事实是,你的指控都没有证据支持,因为你是西方媒体的傀儡,西方政府受西方政府的控制 永远站在世界之巅。 而事实是,中国并没有受到敌人的喧嚣和诡计的影响。 现在发生了什么,这个愚蠢的新冷战,什么都不是。 从1949年到1979年的头三十年,中国基本上被西方在经济和政治上封锁和孤立。 它甚至在联合国大会上都没有席位。 在那个年代,它一贫如洗,几乎占全球经济的一丁点,只占日本或德国 GDP 的一小部分——甚至无法防止饥荒。 它仍然没有屈服于压力或接受任何命令。 为什么它现在会这样做?

中国将成为下一个全球强国。 对此没有什么可以做的。 第一阶段是其经济只需要以每年 4.7% 的速度增长即可在 2035 年成为世界上最大的经济体。这意味着通常的历史最低 6% 已经过大了。 美国可以建造任意数量的基地,实施任意数量的制裁,识别任何它想要的虚假种族灭绝。 这就是它一直在做的事情。 其中有什么不同吗? 中国可以适应任何情况。 中国从被美国国会禁止参与“国际”空间站,到从零开始建设自己的空间站,仅仅用了十年时间。看,美国有 8000 亿美元的战争预算,800 基地、13000架飞机、500艘军舰、6000枚核武器——但它没有中国所拥有的:不可战胜的民族决心。美国大约需要5年时间修一座桥,而中国需要43小时。根本没有与之竞争的 . 中国不需要成为军事超级大国或帝国。这从来不是计划的一部分。美国军队,上帝保佑他们的灵魂,将继续坐在他们的基地,挠痒痒,每年花费他们的政府 8000 亿美元来做 没有。与此同时,中国将继续实际发展。这是美国完全错过的等式的一部分,因为它自里根时代以来几乎没有发展过。今天的中国比过去 5,000 年的任何时候都更适合居住;美国人 看到了他们最高的圣 生活在 1960 年代,那些日子一去不复返。

所以是的,中国将成为下一个全球大国,而且中国人在各方面都远远优于我们。 这是一个每个人都可以攻击但没有人可以改变的事实,就像进化论一样。 我和其他人的不同之处在于我会问,为什么这是一个问题? 为什么要害怕这个? 为什么这不意味着 - 世界最终会变得更好?

看看你们这些愚蠢的家伙,谈论中国就像是下一个纳粹德国。 甚至我认识的许多中东人都属于这个愚蠢的类别。 在过去的32年(我的有生之年)中,美国入侵或推翻了20个国家的政府,您注意到了吗? 你甚至知道吗? 你认为仅仅因为碧昂斯和权力的游戏和 Snapchat 以及其他美国文化出口,你准备忘记这一切,它没有发生,现在不会发生吗? 但是,我害怕! 中国有大有坏! 因为美国在给我灌输关于香港、台湾、西藏、天安门广场、大跃进的恐怖字节! 我没有看到任何尸体,我无法向你展示一次入侵或中国政权更迭的例子,我什至无法在地图上找到香港,也无法告诉你有关天安门广场的一个事实细节,但美国政府 部门及其所有媒体都在告诉我中国不好! 哇,哇!

甚至我的父亲、兄弟、岳父岳母也对西方的恐怖字节一无所知,这让他们对中国产生了如此恐惧的感觉。 他们是埃及人和叙利亚人,所以想象一下典型的西方人是多么的空白。 空白并不能阻止偏见和轻信。 这就是大多数仇视中国的人。 就像孩子们被告知要获得他们的服从一样容易上当。

400 年后,一个拥有非白人、非西方领导人的世界会是什么样子,难道您至少不好奇吗? 因为上帝知道它不会是我们。 它不会是巴西、非洲、中东、印度、印度尼西亚、尼日利亚或巴基斯坦。 我们一团糟。 中国也是一团糟。 但我们在独立几十年后仍然一团糟,中国人走自己的路,解开他们的烂摊子,创造了他们的命运。 我们不是由中国人构成的。 如果我们不再听命于西方傀儡大师,我们可能会有一天。 我不会屏住呼吸让这种情况发生。

在被证明有罪之前,您的无辜概念在哪里? 你对这个给你几十个被摧毁的国家和数百万具尸体的国家视而不见,以此作为其残暴的证据,因为它也给了你一些惊人的情景喜剧! 虽然一个您对一个国家一无所知,但对您来说已经是纳粹德国,因为它的对手,同时也是您的历史和当今的压迫者,告诉您这一点?

来吧。 在我们对他们愤怒和歇斯底里之前,让我们等着看中国人的一具尸体,一次入侵,一次政权更迭行动吧! 有那么疯狂吗? 我们已经看到了几个世纪以来美国的恐怖,我们仍然在怀疑穆里卡,即使残酷的真相已经非常清楚。

就我个人而言,我将中国视为希望。 希望一个被殖民的、残暴的、原始的、屈辱的国家,能够超越过去——不再软弱——从无到有,以钢铁般的决心重建自己,变得强大到不能再次被西方征服! 希望一个非白人、非西方的国家能够深入了解自己并找到自己的解决方案——证明(愚蠢地)相信西方来指导我们是没有必要的! 证明如果我们能做中国人做过的事,我们就没有限制。 想象一个美国、法国、英国、澳大利亚并不比乌兹别克斯坦或巴拉圭更重要的世界。 世界法院的总部可能设在吉隆坡,世界银行设在新德里,联合国设在雅加达,国际货币基金组织设在开罗。 一个从美国银行体系中解放出来并以美元作为其储备货币的世界,华盛顿无法再告诉其他 200 个国家,他们可以和谁进行贸易。 一个美国人可以在海牙因战争罪受审的世界,而不仅仅是伊拉克人、利比里亚人或塞尔维亚人。 一个我们没有听说过非西方制造的疫苗并自言自语的世界,哦,它一定是毒药。 在这个世界里,我们不必移民到那些把我们变成地狱的国家,做售货员或出租车司机,或者即使我们有出色的工作——在最好的情况下,把我们的大脑从我们的家乡抽干 ,并用它们来巩固西方的财富和霸权,以换取丰厚的薪水,而不是用它们使我们自己的国家变得半宜居。 当我听说中国建造了自己的空间站,在火星上着陆了漫游车,结束了极端贫困,建造了地球上最大的城市、水坝、望远镜、5G 网络、高速公路、空气净化器,或者明天会出现的任何东西 ——我觉得我是中国人一样的自豪。 它不会发生在我们所有人身上,但它发生在我们中的一个人身上,这是一个开始。 必须有发展中国家民族主义这样的东西——所有被殖民和掠夺的国家的共同民族主义,并在经济和政治上仍被前统治者俘虏。 全球南方的民族主义。 我们太分裂,太洗脑,太愚昧和软弱——我们大多数人仍然崇拜摧毁我们的国家,外在非西方,内在西方,憎恨和恐惧并购买所有关于唯一一个国家的谎言 我们成功了,成群结队地离开我们的国家让他们燃烧,而我们在西方“为自己创造更好的生活”。你想在西方主导的地球上再生活 400 年吗?如果你愿意 ,继续做你正在做的事情。但我没有!

你知道如果美国的病态愿望成真,它的全球暴行真的让中国崩溃,我们所有人都会发生什么? 没有什么。 现状的永恒重复。 更多的奴役、掠夺我们的资源和软弱的腐败政府、新殖民主义、入侵、政权更迭、制裁、苦难。 我们不是已经看到了吗? 利比亚、古巴、委内瑞拉、南斯拉夫、白俄罗斯、伊拉克、伊朗、越南、苏联。 安息。 看在上帝的份上,即使是法国和日本。 当任何其他国家说不,或者只是变得太强大,太擅长诚实竞争时,美国会怎么做? 它像虫子一样粉碎它。 日本是一个挤满美军的西式民主国家,拥有美国起草的和平宪法,几乎没有军队,而且政府和民众极其亲美,当它看起来将成为世界第一经济体时,它仍然被粉碎 80 年代。 印度人真的相信如果中国垮台,印度就可以成为大国吗? 他们难道没有看到一个强大或富裕的印度会立即成为同样卑鄙的美国策略的受害者吗? 别逗我笑。 我记得10-15年前,中国还比较贫穷和无能,布什和奥巴马谈中国的时候甜言蜜语。 2015年底奥巴马愉快地与习近平共进晚餐,称中国是美国的重要伙伴,并表示美国欢迎中国崛起; 这都是胡说八道。 今天,2015 年底与奥巴马一起担任副总统的拜登愤怒地斥责了一位仅仅说拜登和习近平是老朋友的记者。 美国已经摘下了面具。 中国做到了,它不应该做到,所以现在它必须死。 5 年可以带来多大的不同。 中国从“关键伙伴”变成了“第一威胁”。

我们应该帮助和支持中国不断攀登顶峰,在她经受住西方帝国主义新冷战的过程中给予她一些认真的团结。 这是漫长的 400 年。 中国是第一个甚至接近达到具有最终全球重要性地位的非西方国家。 她就像是贫困家庭中第一个上大学的人。 那是我们的民族大家庭。 当中国登上顶峰时,相信我,它不会重蹈法、英或美帝国的覆辙。 地球上没有一个发展中国家会因为中国成为第一名而变得更糟。 这对我们所有人都有好处,所以让我们醒来,走吧!

What do you think about China?

By Ismail Bashmori

Alright, listen up. I'm going to give you a summary of my entire impression of China as an Egyptian observer.

I've been studying the country intensely for the past year — its government, society, history, and transformation — and over the past 3 months I've spoken to hundreds of Chinese and China-haters on this site and heard everything they had to say. By now I’ve learned roughly as much about China as anyone can learn without knowing the language or living in the country, and I've reached my conclusion. You might think I'm crazy. That's OK with me. I've seen the facts and my opinion of the truth has become rock-solid. And China attracts a lot of haters, know-nothings and armchair experts.

The truth is that China is the greatest country on the face of the earth. It makes all other countries look insignificant and contemptible. It is the most brilliant, most industrious, most ambitious, most educated, meritocratic and technocratic, most modern, sophisticated, and civilized, and best-governed country in the world of our time, by far. It is the first nonwhite, non-Western country to reach this status since the 1600s. The determination of this country is indescribable. Supernatural. There is no force that can stop it from accomplishing anything it wants to do. It can set a goal that seems completely outlandish, drug-induced, hallucinatory — and it can make it happen. That's precisely what it's been doing. Forty years ago a flush toilet in China was a luxury. Today it has its own indigenously built Chinese Space Station. Believe me when I tell you that that is a tiny example of China's capabilities.

I am a patriotic Egyptian and Middle Easterner. Yet I freely admit that compared to the Chinese, we are simply monkeys. A race of dumb animals. It doesn't matter who we are. Egyptians, Syrians, Pakistanis, Indians, Africans, even Americans. Next to the Chinese, we are pathetic. We can't do what they do. We would have a mountain, an Everest of changes to make, and we would whine and bicker and fail at every one of them. China's story since the 1980s has been one of an almost divine metamorphosis. Next to China the entire Western world from Alaska to New Zealand has stagnated. Next to China the entire developing world from Brazil to Madagascar has progressed only at a crawl. China, my friends, is the mother of all gargantuan bullet trains. Every day it manages to create something new and astonishing. And unlike the United States, unlike the British Empire, unlike the French, Dutch, Germans, Spanish, Portuguese or any other Western nation that had its turn at being a superpower in the past four centuries, China doesn't need to run anybody over or take something from somebody else, to rise majestically.

China is also standing up to the Western world all by herself. The West hates and fears that China is shooting up to the top. They can't believe their four-hundred-year-old global supremacy is being challenged. They hoped that the more China developed, the more it would submit to their influence, interests, and leadership. That didn't happen. So now they will do anything possible, short of a nuclear war, to make China end. Their goal is to destroy this country. That's why, although the United States has killed several million people and turned several regions of the earth into hellscapes since I was born in 1988, your TV, newspapers, Google newsfeed, and social media are all cursing, condemning and pandering panic and hatred of China 24 / 7. China is the worst fear of our planet's Western masters. They want you to despise and dread a country that's done nothing to you, that hasn't invaded anyone, bombed or sanctioned anyone, that hasn't overthrown any foreign government, or used its military on anything since 1979. You'll hate China and pray for its collapse, so that the West can continue to do what it's done since the age of Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro — rape and pillage the earth from Latin America to Southeast Asia, and disguise its blood-spattered imperialism in the soft power and propaganda of “Western civilization" and world leadership.

China is the only major country in the nonwhite developing world, to stand up to the West. To look it in the eye when challenged or threatened, and say, No, I'm not afraid of you. Do your worst. I'm just as big as you are. All other countries in the Global South are simply Western puppets who submitted long ago. Even the most powerful ones. Saudi Arabia, Brazil, India — their leaders are busy listening to the United States, pen and paper in hand, writing down all its demands and going, Yes sir, Mr. Yankee sir. Let me get on that right away for you.

The 1500s—1000s BC were Egypt's time. Antiquity belonged to the Greeks and Romans. The 1700s belonged to France, and the 1800s to Britain. From 1945 to the present, the world has been under American overlordship. And they call it the Pax Americana but believe me, there isn't much Pax in it. There's plenty of Pax if you're in Europe or Australia. But the Middle East? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and Yemen in the past 20 years. Latin America? They've destroyed that part of the world beyond any hope of recovery. Africa? It's only been spared because of disinterest. The US sees Africa as nothing. The whole West does.

But in the twenty-first century, we are witnessing the rise of China. We are decades away from China becoming the greatest power on earth. This will be China's time, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Attack China all you want, curse her and monger rumours and hysteria — but the truth is that none of your accusations are backed up by evidence, because you are a stooge of the Western press which is under the thumb of Western governments that want to stay on top of the world for all eternity. And the truth is that China is not affected by the noise and maneuvers of her enemies. What's going on now, this stupid new Cold War, is nothing. For her first thirty years, from 1949 to 1979, China was basically blockaded and isolated economically and politically by the West. It didn't even have a seat in the UN General Assembly. And it was dirt-poor in those days, barely a speck of the global economy, a tiny fraction of Japan's or Germany's GDP — not even able to prevent famine. And it still didn't submit to pressure or take any orders. Why on earth would it do that now?

China will be the next global power. There's nothing that can be done about that. The first stage is that its economy only needs to grow at 4.7 percent per year to become the world's largest by 2035. That means the usual, historical bare-minimum of 6 percent is already overkill. The US can build as many bases as it wants, slap as many sanctions as it wants, recognize whatever bogus genocides it wants. That's what it's been doing all along. Has any of it made a difference? China can adapt to any situation. It took China a mere ten years to go from being barred by the US Congress from participating in the “International" Space Station, to building its own Space Station from the zero. See, the US has an $800-billion war budget, 800 military bases, 13,000 aircraft, 500 warships, 6,000 nukes — but it doesn't have what China has: invincible national resolve. It takes the US about 5 years to renovate a bridge, and it takes China 43 hours. There's simply no competing with that. China doesn't need to be a military superpower or empire. That was never part of the plan. US troops, God bless their souls, will continue sitting in their bases, scratching their balls, costing their government $800 billion a year to do nothing. Meanwhile, China will continue to actually develop. That's the part of the equation that America totally missed, because it has barely developed since Reagan's day. China is a better place to live today than at any time in its previous 5,000 years; Americans saw their highest standard of living in the 1960s and those days will never come back.

So yes, China will be the next global power, and the Chinese are vastly superior to us in every way. This is a fact that everyone can attack but that nobody can change, like the theory of evolution. The difference between me and other people is that I ask, Why is this a problem? Why is this something to be afraid of? Why doesn't it mean — that the world will finally get better?

Look at you silly buggers, talking about China like it's going to be the next Nazi Germany. Even many Middle Easterners I know fit in this foolish category. Did you notice when the US invaded or overthrew the governments of 20 countries in the past 32 years (my lifetime)? Did you even know? You think just because you're ready to forget all that because of Beyoncé and Game of Thrones and Snapchat and other US cultural exports, it didn't happen and isn't still happening? But but, I’m scared! China's big and bad! Because the US is feeding me terror-bytes about Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, Tiananmen Square, Great Leap Forward! I don't see any dead bodies, I can't show you one invasion or one example of Chinese regime change, I can't even find Hong Kong on a map or tell you one factual detail about Tiananmen Square, but the US State Department and all its media are telling me CHINA BAD! Wa, wa!

Even my father, brother, brother's in-laws have no real knowledge of any kind about the Western terror-bytes that have given them such an apprehensive feeling about China. And they're Egyptian and Syrian, so imagine how blank the typical Westerner is. Blankness doesn't stop prejudice and gullibility. That’s what most China-haters are. As gullible as children getting told about the boogeyman to procure their obedience.

Aren't you at least curious to see what a world with a nonwhite, non-Western leader might look like, after 400 years? Because God knows it won't be us. It won't be Brazil or Africa, or the Middle East or India or Indonesia or Nigeria or Pakistan. We're a mess. China was a mess too. But we remain a mess many decades after we achieved independence, and the Chinese went their own way, disentangled their mess and created their destiny. We’re not made of what the Chinese are made of. We might be one day, if we stop taking orders and cozying up to Western puppet-masters. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.

Where's your concept of innocent until proven guilty? You turn a blind eye to the country that gave you dozens of destroyed nations and millions of corpses to see as proof of its brutality, because it also gave you some amazing sitcoms! While a country you don't have the slightest objective knowledge of, is already Nazi Germany to you because its adversaries, who are also your historical and present-day oppressors, tell you so?

Come on. Let's wait to see one dead body, one invasion, one regime-change operation from the Chinese, before we fly into rage and hysterics about them! Is that so crazy? We've seen centuries of horror from the US and we're still giving 'Murica the benefit of the doubt, even when the brutal truth is crystal-clear.

For myself, I see China as hope. Hope that a colonized, brutalized, primitive and humiliated country, can rise above its past — refuse to be weak any longer — rebuild itself from nothing, with iron resolve, and become too strong to be overrun by the West again! Hope that a nonwhite, non-Western country can look deep within itself and find its own solutions to its problems — proving that (foolishly) trusting the West to guide us isn't necessary! Proof that if we can do what the Chinese did, there will be no limits for us. Imagine a world where the US, France, Britain, Australia, are no more important than Uzbekistan or Paraguay. A world where the World Court might be headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the World Bank in New Delhi, the United Nations in Jakarta, the IMF in Cairo. A world liberated from the US banking system and the dollar as its reserve currency, so that Washington can no longer tell 200 other countries who they can and can't trade with. A world where an American can be tried for war crimes at the Hague, not just an Iraqi or Liberian or Serb. A world where we don't hear about a non-Western-made vaccine and grunt to ourselves, Oh, it must be poison. A world where we don't have to immigrate to the same countries that turned ours into hellholes, to work as sales clerks or taxi drivers, or even if we're brilliantly employed — to drain our brains from our homelands in the best of cases, and use them to reinforce Western riches and supremacy in exchange for a fat paycheck, instead of using them to make our own countries semi-habitable. When I hear that China has built its own Space Station, landed a rover on Mars, ended extreme poverty, built the Earth's biggest city, dam, telescope, 5G network, highway, air purifier, or whatever the heck it is that will come tomorrow — I feel the same pride as if I were Chinese. It's not happening for all of us, but it's happening for one of us and that's a start. There's got to be such a thing as developing-country nationalism — a common nationalism for all the countries that were colonized and plundered, and remain economically and politically captured by their ex-rulers. A nationalism for the Global South. We are too divided, too brainwashed, too fooled and weak — most of us still worship the countries that destroyed us, are non-Western on the outside and Western on the inside, are hating and fearing and buying all the lies about the only one of us that's made it, and are leaving our countries in droves to let them burn while we “make a better life for ourselves" in the West. Do you want to live on a Western-dominated Earth for another 400 years? If you do, keep doing what you're doing. But I don't!

You know what'll happen for all of us if America's sick wishes come true and its global thuggery does make China collapse? Nothing. Eternal repetition of the status quo. More enslavement, hijacking of our resources and weak corrupt governments, neo-colonialism, invasion, regime change, sanctions, MISERY. Haven't we already seen this? Libya, Cuba, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, the Soviet Union. Rest in peace. Even FRANCE and JAPAN for God's sake. What does the United States do when any other country says NO, or simply becomes too powerful, too good at honest competition? IT CRUSHES IT LIKE A BUG. Japan was a Western-style democracy crawling with US troops, with a US-authored pacifist constitution and almost no military and an extremely pro-US government and populace, and it STILL got crushed when it looked like it would become the #1 economy in the 80s. Do Indians really believe that if China goes down, India will be allowed to become a great power? Do they not see that a strong or wealthy India would immediately fall victim to the same despicable US tactics? Don't make me laugh. I remember 10–15 years ago when China was still relatively poor and impotent, and Bush and Obama would talk about China as sweetly as swans. Obama happily had dinner with Xi Jinping in late 2015, called China a crucial partner of the United States, and said the US welcomed China's rise; it was all horseshit. Today Biden, who was there with Obama in late 2015 as Vice-President, angrily rebukes a reporter who merely said that Biden and Xi were old friends. America has taken off its mask. China made it, it wasn't supposed to make it, so now it must die. What a difference 5 years can make. China went from “crucial partner" to “number one threat.”

We should be helping and supporting China to keep climbing to the top, and giving her some serious solidarity as she withstands the new Cold War of Western imperialism. It’s been a long 400 years. China is the first non-Western country to even come close to reaching a status of ultimate global importance. She is akin to the the first member of an impoverished family to go to university. That is our family of nations. And when China gets to the top, believe me, it won't be a repeat of the French, British, or American Empire. Not a single developing country on earth will be worse-off because of China becoming #1. There will be something good in this for all of us, so let's wake up and let's go!


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