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发布于2016-10-18 00:51 点击:2626 评论:0 作者:湯安


出处:布莱克默小说《Lorna Doone 罗娜. 杜恩》

Swords and Sighs (利剑与叹息, 一曲恢宏历史和美丽的大自然交汇之下的动人爱情赞歌)

Image result for dartmoor autumn

达特茅(Dartmoor) 曾被BBC评为西英格兰最好的自然景观。

英语词汇里面 “moor” 除了指来自在新兴的阿拉伯帝国四面扩张时期的土著征服者摩尔人(其中在非洲的土著又译作"毛利人"),在地理上这个词还特指未经过人类种植开化的开阔山野地区,尤其是高地原野。面积954平方公里的达特茅国家公园位于英格兰两面邻海,巨石突兀,绿草如茵,山林茂密,充满历史和人文印迹的德文郡 (Devon)山峦。




德文郡在英国历史上名声卓著,从1066年诺曼征服(Norman conquest),玫瑰战争(Wars of the Roses;1455年─1485年), 伪装者珀金·沃贝克觊觎王位 (Perkin Warbeck’s 1497 rising),1549年祈祷书叛乱(Prayer Book rebels),英国内战(English Civil War,1642年至1651年)和那个著名的仅以换了一个国王的代价,便完成了英国社会变革的橙色威廉"光荣革命"(1688年, The Glorious Revolution,从此英国个人统治国家的时代结束,取而代之的是代表各阶层利益的议会统治制度)这里一直都是史学家们大书特书的地方。无数的故事和与它们相关人文学者荟萃于此,让德文郡与许多著名作家紧密地联系在一起,文化遗迹俯身可拾,如享誉世界文坛的查尔斯·狄更斯 (Charles Dickens), 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 (Agatha Christie), 托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy), 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen), 柯南·道尔 (Arthur Conan Doyle), 布莱克默 (RD Blackmore), 亨利·威廉森(Henry Williamson), 还有著名的“湖畔派”诗人塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge),他们的名字仅仅是那里所联系着的众多英国作家中的一小部分。

似乎这些还不足以衬托这部恢宏的历史爱情小说《罗娜. 杜恩》,与其中的人物和历史联系起来的不论是刀光剑影的复仇还是经典动人的爱情故事,都有许多当时社会的背景资料佐证,包括罗娜. 杜恩的神秘家族与身世。它们让这部小说成为英国历史罗曼诗 (historical romance) 中的经典: 血色浪漫,令人屏息(It is a classic tale complete with love, murder, revenge, and a cliff-hanger ending).

然而,至少从翻译者自身的角度,本书打动人的理由还应该加上一条,那就是作者非常优美细腻的文笔和高超的英语写作水准,所有这一切,让这本书拥有自从1869年首版三卷本发行之后 (次年改为合订本),一百五十年来不断再版发行的罕见记录。

生长于那里和毕业于牛津大学Exeter学院的作者布莱克默是英国十九世纪下半叶的众多小说家之一,本书在英语文坛留下充满赞誉的评论: “Noted for his eye for and sympathy with nature, critics of the time described this as one of the most striking features of his writings”.

布莱克默这部小说的全名是《罗娜. 杜恩: 一部艾克森茅的罗曼史》(Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor),历史上与之直接联系的是在北德文的艾克森茅(Exmoor,艾克斯摩尔,后亦为英国国家公园)。人们经常与本书同时提到的达特茅则在南德文。原因不仅是由于两地很类似和比较接近,还由于通常认为作者布莱克默是由于研究1641年达特茅查格福特 (Chagford) 教堂所发生的一桩在婚礼上被前追求者枪杀的少女Mary Whiddon案例而酝酿构思了这部长篇小说,令Lorna Doone有相似的人文和自然环境背景,更加深邃辽阔的英格兰苏格兰历史背景,后人因此将两地同样算做小说《罗娜. 杜恩》的发源地。

从中文搜索来看,布莱克默的小说在汉语文学里面没有太多介绍资料,这里试译《罗娜. 杜恩》里面的一章,以推荐给喜欢英国文学经典和英国历史的读者们。书中的男主人公,农家儿子约翰.瑞德 (John Ridd) 名字里"John"的发音在北德文地区与别处有别,接近于中文发音的“健”和“乔”字,为了传统英译里面的约定俗成,拙译中将这位英俊谦和最后受封贵族的男主人公名字译为 "乔 . 瑞德"。

Image result for Lorna DooneImage result for Lorna Doone

在保持内容和次序的完整性前提下,译文分开了一些古典英语小说中常见的超长段落(有些地方加上中文注释)。虽然作者布莱克默在首次发布《罗娜. 杜恩》时声明书中人物"纯属虚构"以免除麻烦,这部小说的研究者一致认为本书反映着英国十七世纪查尔斯二世(Charles II) 时期的宫廷权力斗争与历史人物的真实历史。

Image result for Lorna Doone

Lorna Doone 罗娜. 杜恩

《Lorna Doone  罗娜 . 杜恩》 33


 R.D. 布莱克默  (1869) Cancan  译

第三十三章     晨曦之唤





在这流光异彩的景色消逝之前,一股更为鲜活的光亮一跃而起,洒向峰峦山谷,将它所有投射到的地方和周边染绘成青,紫,琥珀和带着华丽光泽的玫瑰色, --朝阳照到哪里,哪里就恍如遮盖一幅幅油彩画面上的幕布般纷纷滑落下来。

而这所有的光明,都驱散着黑暗的魔影和恐赫;朝阳下所有的一切,都在展开翅膀满携着希望扶摇高翔;都在大声地向世界宣告: “上帝与我同在!”




带着几分短促的喘息,我完成了很少能够这样欣喜感受的拂晓跋涉 — —摸黑登上长长峡谷的顶端,独行于崎岖谷地。对日出景象的惊诧和欢欣若狂,一扫心中所有的辛劳、忧虑和愤瞒。我无法抑制地回想着从前至今的一切,心底如天赐般渐渐睿智明晰起来。也许,正因为这份大彻的感悟是如此珍稀,一切才会这样清晰如画地刻划在我的心里。





此刻,罗娜正从山谷的那边走来,由于这段时间我们没有相会(缘于格兰.杜恩家族对我的袭击和关押)而未想到我会在这里眺望 --至少不会知道我会在山谷的黎明中等侯着她。


"你终于来了,乔! 我不停地担忧你已经遗忘了我  --你不知道这份忧虑每晚都象囚笼一样折磨着我。快到那个隐蔽的岩屋里去,这里[格兰山谷,杜恩.格兰家族的私有领地]对你实在是太危险了。"

这惊喜至极的见面让我说不出任何话语,只是随她走向那处我们曾来过两次的隐秘岩屋。内心神圣地预感到我一生所期待的最庄严幸福的时刻 --罗娜的爱情,就要降临。






"我如此之晚才来向你告白,是因为我无限担心着你对我这份奢求的答复; 因为我全部的命运都系于你所说出的一个词; 因为,一个曾经如此靠近我的人,一个远远重于我整个人生世界,重于成千个世界的人,或许由于我的冒然一问而不再靠近。"



顾不上鲁莽,我急促地补充着:"在你还是小女孩时,做为一个男孩我在心里不断跟你说着话儿;当你成为亮丽的少女,做为青春少年,我不停地默默爱慕着你; 现在,你已经完全是婷婷玉立的大家闺秀,我所有的身心只会更加疯狂地爱着你,﹣﹣我用世上所无法形容的语言,无法隐藏的心地,深深地爱着你。我不断期待着这样表白的机会却又不断地担忧,可是,即使我是那么地仰慕你和在你面前深感卑微,我亦决定不再等待了,我要你现在就告诉我你的答复。"

"乔,你,......是如此的真诚," 她象是要对岩洞里的蕨草和苔藓说话那样低声说到:










“今后每次见到你哭泣,” 我抱紧她说:”我应该看做是获得你允许打破我们之间距离规定的许可。今后,亲爱的,再也没有人能够让你伤心哭泣,你不会有任何叹息,而是生活在安详和幸福之中,拥有我全部的珍爱和保护,--有谁胆敢让你不安?”  罗娜长长地叹息了一下,泪如泉涌,紧紧地将我的头颅贴向她青春圣洁的胸房。


她低声自言着: “还有人能让我这么梦想成真么? 我从心底知道,再也没有,永远不再会有。”

Image result for Lorna DooneJohn Ridd 乔.瑞德 (图片来自这部小说改编的同名电影)

LORNA DOONE,  by R.D. Blackmore (1869)



Of course I was up the very next morning before the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland towards the Badgworthy water, at the foot of the long cascade. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of grey mountain, and wavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped, and crept to the hollow places; then stole away in line and column, holding skirts, and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners, where rock hung over grass-land; while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond other gliding.

Then the woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. Autumn’s mellow hand was on them, as they owned already, touched with gold, and red, and olive; and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father.
Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose; according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, “God is here.” Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower, and bud, and bird, had a fluttering sense of them; and all the flashing of God’s gaze merged into soft beneficence.
So perhaps shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; when glory shall not scare happiness, neither happiness envy glory; but all things shall arise and shine in the light of the Father’s countenance, because itself is risen.

Who maketh His sun to rise upon both the just and the unjust. And surely but for the saving clause, Doone Glen had been in darkness. Now, as I stood with scanty breath — for few men could have won that climb — at the top of the long defile, and the bottom of the mountain gorge all of myself, and the pain of it, and the cark of my discontent fell away into wonder and rapture. For I cannot help seeing things now and then, slow-witted as I have a right to be; and perhaps because it comes so rarely, the sight dwells with me like a picture.

The bar of rock, with the water-cleft breaking steeply through it, stood bold and bare, and dark in shadow, grey with red gullies down it. But the sun was beginning to glisten over the comb of the eastern highland, and through an archway of the wood hung with old nests and ivy. The lines of many a leaning tree were thrown, from the cliffs of the foreland, down upon the sparkling grass at the foot of the western crags. And through the dewy meadow’s breast, fringed with shade, but touched on one side with the sun-smile, ran the crystal water, curving in its brightness like diverted hope.

On either bank, the blades of grass, making their last autumn growth, pricked their spears and crisped their tuftings with the pearly purity. The tenderness of their green appeared under the glaucous mantle; while that grey suffusion, which is the blush of green life, spread its damask chastity. Even then my soul was lifted, worried though my mind was: who can see such large kind doings, and not be ashamed of human grief?

Not only unashamed of grief, but much abashed with joy, was I, when I saw my Lorna coming, purer than the morning dew, than the sun more bright and clear. That which made me love her so, that which lifted my heart to her, as the Spring wind lifts the clouds, was the gayness of her nature, and its inborn playfulness. And yet all this with maiden shame, a conscious dream of things unknown, and a sense of fate about them.

Down the valley still she came, not witting that I looked at her, having ceased (through my own misprison) to expect me yet awhile; or at least she told herself so. In the joy of awakened life and brightness of the morning, she had cast all care away, and seemed to float upon the sunrise, like a buoyant silver wave. Suddenly at sight of me, for I leaped forth at once, in fear of seeming to watch her unawares, the bloom upon her cheeks was deepened, and the radiance of her eyes; and she came to meet me gladly.

“At last then, you are come, John. I thought you had forgotten me. I could not make you understand — they have kept me prisoner every evening: but come into my house; you are in danger here.”

Meanwhile I could not answer, being overcome with joy, but followed to her little grotto, where I had been twice before. I knew that the crowning moment of my life was coming — that Lorna would own her love for me.

She made for awhile as if she dreamed not of the meaning of my gaze, but tried to speak of other things, faltering now and then, and mantling with a richer damask below her long eyelashes.

“This is not what I came to know,” I whispered very softly, “you know what I am come to ask.”

“If you are come on purpose to ask anything, why do you delay so?” She turned away very bravely, but I saw that her lips were trembling.
“I delay so long, because I fear; because my whole life hangs in balance on a single word; because what I have near me now may never more be near me after, though more than all the world, or than a thousand worlds, to me.” As I spoke these words of passion in a low soft voice, Lorna trembled more and more; but she made no answer, neither yet looked up at me.

“I have loved you long and long,” I pursued, being reckless now, “when you were a little child, as a boy I worshipped you: then when I saw you a comely girl, as a stripling I adored you: now that you are a full-grown maiden all the rest I do, and more — I love you more than tongue can tell, or heart can hold in silence. I have waited long and long; and though I am so far below you I can wait no longer; but must have my answer.”

“You have been very faithful, John,” she murmured to the fern and moss; “I suppose I must reward you.”

“That will not do for me,” I said; “I will not have reluctant liking, nor assent for pity’s sake; which only means endurance. I must have all love, or none, I must have your heart of hearts; even as you have mine, Lorna.”

While I spoke, she glanced up shyly through her fluttering lashes, to prolong my doubt one moment, for her own delicious pride. Then she opened wide upon me all the glorious depth and softness of her loving eyes, and flung both arms around my neck, and answered with her heart on mine, —

“Darling, you have won it all. I shall never be my own again. I am yours, my own one, for ever and for ever.”

I am sure I know not what I did, or what I said thereafter, being overcome with transport by her words and at her gaze. Only one thing I remember, when she raised her bright lips to me, like a child, for me to kiss, such a smile of sweet temptation met me through her flowing hair, that I almost forgot my manners, giving her no time to breathe.

“That will do,” said Lorna gently, but violently blushing; “for the present that will do, John. And now remember one thing, dear. All the kindness is to be on my side; and you are to be very distant, as behoves to a young maiden; except when I invite you. But you may kiss my hand, John; oh, yes, you may kiss my hand, you know. Ah to be sure! I had forgotten; how very stupid of me!”

For by this time I had taken one sweet hand and gazed on it, with the pride of all the world to think that such a lovely thing was mine; and then I slipped my little ring upon the wedding finger; and this time Lorna kept it, and looked with fondness on its beauty, and clung to me with a flood of tears.

“Every time you cry,” said I, drawing her closer to me “I shall consider it an invitation not to be too distant. There now, none shall make you weep. Darling, you shall sigh no more, but live in peace and happiness, with me to guard and cherish you: and who shall dare to vex you?” But she drew a long sad sigh, and looked at the ground with the great tears rolling, and pressed one hand upon the trouble of her pure young breast.

“It can never, never be,”

she murmured to herself alone: “Who am I, to dream of it? Something in my heart tells me it can be so never, never.”




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